The Problem with WITH Statement: Unraveling the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” Conundrum in Apache AGE
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The Problem with WITH Statement: Unraveling the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” Conundrum in Apache AGE

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Are you frustrated with the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE, stemming from the WITH statement? You’re not alone! This article will guide you through the troubleshooting process, offering clear explanations and step-by-step solutions to resolve this pesky issue.

What is the WITH Statement, and Why is it Causing Trouble?

The WITH statement in Apache AGE is a powerful tool for simplifying complex queries by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. However, when used incorrectly, it can lead to the dreaded “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error.

    variable as (SELECT * FROM table_name)
SELECT * FROM variable;

In the above example, the WITH statement creates a temporary result set, assigning it to the variable. The subsequent SELECT statement queries this variable, which should return the desired results. But what happens when things go awry?

Symptoms of the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” Error

  • Your query appears to execute correctly, but returns no results or incorrect results.
  • The error message “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” is displayed, often with a cryptic error code.
  • Your Apache AGE instance becomes unresponsive or crashes.

What’s Causing the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” Error?

There are several reasons why the WITH statement might lead to this error. Let’s explore the most common culprits:

  1. Incorrect Query Syntax: A syntax error in the WITH statement or the subsequent query can cause the error.
  2. Variable Scope Issues: The WITH statement creates a temporary result set, which is only accessible within the same query. If you try to reference the variable outside the query, you’ll encounter the error.
  3. Data Type Incompatibility: When the data types of the columns in the temporary result set don’t match the data types of the columns in the original table, it can lead to the error.
  4. Resource Constraints: Insufficient memory or disk space can cause the WITH statement to fail, resulting in the error.

Troubleshooting Steps to Resolve the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” Error

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s walk through the steps to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Review Query Syntax

Double-check the WITH statement and the subsequent query for any syntax errors. Ensure that the syntax is correct, and the query is properly formatted.

    variable as (SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value')
SELECT * FROM variable;

Step 2: Verify Variable Scope

Confirm that the variable is only being referenced within the same query. If you need to use the result set in multiple queries, consider creating a temporary table or a view instead.

    variable as (SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value')
SELECT * FROM variable;

-- Incorrect: Trying to reference the variable outside the query
SELECT * FROM variable WHERE column_name = 'new_value';

Step 3: Check Data Type Compatibility

Ensure that the data types of the columns in the temporary result set match the data types of the columns in the original table.

    variable as (SELECT column_name::integer FROM table_name)
SELECT * FROM variable;

-- Incorrect: Data type incompatibility
    variable as (SELECT column_name::text FROM table_name)
SELECT * FROM variable;

Step 4: Optimize Resource Utilization

Verify that your Apache AGE instance has sufficient resources (memory and disk space) to execute the query. Consider optimizing the query, reducing the amount of data being processed, or increasing the resource allocation.

Additional Troubleshooting Techniques

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try these additional troubleshooting techniques:

Enabled Query Logging

Enable query logging in Apache AGE to gather more information about the error. This can help you identify the specific query causing the issue.

-- Enable query logging
SET log_level = 'DEBUG';

Query Rewrite

Rewriting the query using a different approach, such as using a subquery or a join, can help resolve the issue.

-- Original query
    variable as (SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value')
SELECT * FROM variable;

-- Rewritten query using a subquery
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';

Seeking Community Support

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider seeking help from the Apache AGE community or a professional expert. They can provide personalized guidance and support to resolve the problem.


The “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE, caused by the WITH statement, can be frustrating and daunting. However, by following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to review query syntax, verify variable scope, check data type compatibility, and optimize resource utilization. With patience and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to resolving this pesky error and getting back to querying like a pro!

Common Causes Solutions
Incorrect Query Syntax Review query syntax, ensure correct formatting
Variable Scope Issues Verify variable scope, ensure only referenced within the same query
Data Type Incompatibility Check data type compatibility, ensure matching data types
Resource Constraints Optimize resource utilization, ensure sufficient memory and disk space

By following these guidelines and staying vigilant, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error and get back to querying with confidence!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about “Problem with WITH statement. Resulting in “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” in Apache AGE error”

What is the main cause of the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE?

The “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE typically occurs when a vertex is deleted while it’s still being referenced by a variable in a WITH statement. This can happen when the graph is modified concurrently, or when the vertex is deleted explicitly.

How can I avoid the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE?

To avoid this error, you can use a subquery to retrieve the vertices instead of assigning them to a variable. You can also use a transaction to ensure that the graph is not modified concurrently. Additionally, you can use the `DELETE` statement with the `DETACH DELETE` option to remove the vertex and its relationships in a single step.

What is the difference between a WITH statement and a subquery in Apache AGE?

A WITH statement is used to assign the result of a query to a variable, whereas a subquery is a query nested inside another query. A subquery can be used to retrieve data without assigning it to a variable, which can help avoid the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error.

Can I use a transaction to avoid the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE?

Yes, using a transaction can help avoid the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE. A transaction ensures that multiple operations are executed as a single, atomic unit, which can prevent concurrent modifications to the graph.

How can I troubleshoot the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error in Apache AGE?

To troubleshoot the “Vertex assigned to variable was deleted” error, you can enable debug logging in Apache AGE, review the query plan to identify the problematic statement, and check the graph data to ensure that the vertex exists and is not being deleted concurrently.

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