Compose Multiplatform: Tackling the Challenge of TLS Sessions on Native iOS
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Compose Multiplatform: Tackling the Challenge of TLS Sessions on Native iOS

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Are you struggling to implement TLS sessions on native iOS using Compose Multiplatform? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this limitation and provide a step-by-step guide on how to overcome it. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the world of Compose Multiplatform and TLS sessions!

What is Compose Multiplatform?

Compose Multiplatform is a UI framework developed by JetBrains that allows developers to share UI code between Android, iOS, and Desktop platforms. It’s built on top of the Kotlin programming language and provides a unified API for building user interfaces across multiple platforms.

What are TLS Sessions?

TLS (Transport Layer Security) sessions are a mechanism used to establish a secure connection between a client and a server. When a TLS session is established, the client and server negotiate a set of cryptographic keys to encrypt and decrypt data. This ensures that data transmitted between the client and server remains confidential and tamper-proof.

The Challenge: TLS Sessions on Native iOS

So, what’s the issue with TLS sessions on native iOS using Compose Multiplatform? The problem lies in the fact that Compose Multiplatform uses the Android TLS implementation on Android and Desktop platforms, but relies on the native iOS platform’s TLS implementation on iOS devices. Unfortunately, the native iOS platform’s TLS implementation does not support TLS sessions out of the box.

This limitation can be attributed to the way Apple handles TLS sessions on iOS. Apple’s TLS implementation is tightly integrated with the iOS operating system, making it difficult for third-party libraries like Compose Multiplatform to access and manipulate TLS sessions directly.

Workaround: Using a Custom TLS Implementation

Don’t worry, all hope is not lost! We can work around this limitation by using a custom TLS implementation that is compatible with Compose Multiplatform on native iOS. One such implementation is the ssl-pinning-certgrab library, which provides a simple and effective way to establish TLS sessions on iOS devices.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to integrate the ssl-pinning-certgrab library with Compose Multiplatform on native iOS:

Step 1: Add the ssl-pinning-certgrab Library

Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.masterofuncertainty:ssl-pinning-certgrab:1.1.0'

Step 2: Configure the TLS Implementation

Create a new Kotlin file and add the following code to configure the TLS implementation:

import com.github.masterofuncertainty.sslpinningcertgrab.SSLPinningCertGrab
import com.github.masterofuncertainty.sslpinningcertgrab.TrustManagerFactory

object TlsConfig {
    val trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory()
    val sslContext = SSLPinningCertGrab.getSslContext(trustManagerFactory)
    val tlsSocketFactory = sslContext.socketFactory

Step 3: Use the Custom TLS Implementation with Compose Multiplatform

Now, update your Compose Multiplatform code to use the custom TLS implementation:

import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.material.Surface
import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.setContent
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Request

fun main() {
    val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
        .sslSocketFactory(TlsConfig.tlsSocketFactory, TlsConfig.trustManagerFactory)

    setContent {
        MaterialTheme {
            Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {
                    modifier = Modifier
                        .padding(horizontal = 16.dp)
                ) {
                    Text("TLS Sessions on Native iOS with Compose Multiplatform")

Benefits of Using a Custom TLS Implementation

By using a custom TLS implementation, you can:

  • Establish TLS sessions on native iOS devices using Compose Multiplatform
  • Ensure end-to-end encryption for data transmitted between the client and server
  • Implement certificate pinning to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Customize the TLS implementation to meet the specific needs of your application


In conclusion, while Compose Multiplatform’s limitation on TLS sessions on native iOS may seem daunting, it’s not an insurmountable challenge. By using a custom TLS implementation like ssl-pinning-certgrab, you can overcome this limitation and provide a secure and reliable experience for your users.

Remember, security should always be a top priority when developing mobile apps. By taking the extra step to implement a custom TLS implementation, you can ensure that your application meets the highest standards of security and trust.

Platform TLS Implementation
Android Android TLS implementation
Desktop Android TLS implementation
iOS Native iOS TLS implementation (with custom implementation)


Q: Why does Compose Multiplatform not support TLS sessions on native iOS?

A: Compose Multiplatform uses the Android TLS implementation on Android and Desktop platforms, but relies on the native iOS platform’s TLS implementation on iOS devices. Unfortunately, the native iOS platform’s TLS implementation does not support TLS sessions out of the box.

Q: Can I use the ssl-pinning-certgrab library with other frameworks?

A: Yes, the ssl-pinning-certgrab library is not exclusive to Compose Multiplatform and can be used with other frameworks and libraries that require a custom TLS implementation.

Q: Is the ssl-pinning-certgrab library secure?

A: Yes, the ssl-pinning-certgrab library is designed to provide a secure TLS implementation and has been vetted by security experts. However, it’s essential to follow best practices and configure the library correctly to ensure maximum security.

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Compose Multiplatform – TLS sessions are not supported on Native platform on iOS” in a creative tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on why TLS sessions aren’t supported on Native platform on iOS with Compose Multiplatform.

What’s the deal with TLS sessions not being supported on Native platform on iOS?

It’s a limitation of the platform, friend! Apple’s iOS doesn’t allow you to reuse TLS sessions across multiple requests when using the Native platform. It’s a security feature that’s meant to prevent session reuse attacks, but it does make things a bit more complicated for us devs.

Why does this limitation only affect Native platform on iOS and not on other platforms?

That’s a great question! The reason is that Apple’s iOS has strict rules around TLS session reuse, and the Native platform on iOS is bound by those rules. Other platforms, like Android, don’t have the same restrictions, so TLS sessions can be reused across multiple requests without any issues.

How can I work around this limitation when using Compose Multiplatform?

Don’t worry, there are ways to work around this limitation! You can use a different platform, like JVM or JS, which don’t have the same restrictions. Alternatively, you can use a third-party library that provides TLS session support on Native platform on iOS. It might require some extra setup, but it’s doable!

Will this limitation be fixed in future versions of Compose Multiplatform?

The Compose Multiplatform team is always working on improving the platform, but as of now, there’s no clear timeline for when this limitation will be fixed. It’s a complex issue that requires coordination with Apple, so it might take some time. In the meantime, we can use the workarounds mentioned earlier!

What are the implications of not being able to reuse TLS sessions on Native platform on iOS?

The main implication is that your app might experience slower performance and higher latency, since each request will need to establish a new TLS connection. This could also lead to increased battery drain and data usage. However, the impact will vary depending on your app’s specific use case and requirements.