AWS – Collect Events Globally via CloudTrail: A Step-by-Step Guide
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AWS – Collect Events Globally via CloudTrail: A Step-by-Step Guide

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AWS CloudTrail is a powerful service that provides governance, compliance, and security auditing for your AWS account. One of the most significant benefits of CloudTrail is its ability to collect events globally, giving you unprecedented visibility into your AWS resources and usage. In this article, we’ll explore how to collect events globally via CloudTrail and provide you with a comprehensive guide to get started.

What is CloudTrail?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of collecting events globally, let’s quickly cover what CloudTrail is and why it’s essential for your AWS account. CloudTrail is a service offered by AWS that provides a record of all API calls made within your AWS account. This includes actions taken by users, roles, and services, as well as API calls from AWS services themselves.

CloudTrail provides several benefits, including:

  • Compliance and governance: CloudTrail helps you meet regulatory requirements and maintain compliance with industry standards.
  • Security and auditing: CloudTrail provides a detailed trail of all API calls, allowing you to identify and respond to security threats in real-time.
  • Resource optimization: CloudTrail helps you optimize your AWS resources by providing insights into usage patterns and identifying opportunities for cost reduction.

Collecting Events Globally via CloudTrail

Now that we’ve covered the basics of CloudTrail, let’s dive into the process of collecting events globally. To collect events globally, you’ll need to create a trail in CloudTrail that captures events from all regions.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to collecting events globally via CloudTrail:

Step 1: Create a Trail

To create a trail, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CloudTrail dashboard.
  2. Click on the “Create Trail” button.
  3. Enter a name and description for your trail.
  4. Select the “Multi-region” option to collect events from all regions.
  5. Choose the storage location for your trail logs. You can store them in an S3 bucket or CloudWatch Logs.
  6. Click “Create Trail” to create the trail.

Step 2: Configure Event Selectors

Event selectors determine which events are captured by CloudTrail. To configure event selectors, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the CloudTrail dashboard and click on the trail you created earlier.
  2. Click on the “Event selectors” tab.
  3. Select the events you want to capture. You can choose from a range of options, including:
  • Management events: These events include actions taken by users, roles, and services, such as creating or deleting resources.
  • Insights events: These events provide additional context and insights into your AWS usage, such as resource optimization suggestions.

Step 3: Configure Notification and Alerts

To receive notifications and alerts for specific events, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the CloudTrail dashboard and click on the trail you created earlier.
  2. Click on the “Notification” tab.
  3. Select the notification settings for your trail, including:
  • SNS topic: Select an SNS topic to receive notifications for specific events.
  • Email notification: Enter an email address to receive notifications.
  • Lambda function: Select a Lambda function to process notifications.

Step 4: Analyze Events

Once you’ve collected events globally, you can analyze them using AWS services such as CloudWatch Logs, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Athena.

Here are some examples of analyzing events using AWS services:

CloudWatch Logs

aws cloudwatch logs filter-log-events --log-group-name my-log-group --filter-pattern "ERROR"

This command filters log events with an “ERROR” pattern in the specified log group.

AWS Lambda

exports.handler = async (event) => {
  const eventData = event.Records[0].S3 bucket;
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Lambda!')

This Lambda function processes events from an S3 bucket and logs the event data to the console.

Amazon Athena

  eventTime TIMESTAMP,
  eventSource STRING,
  eventName STRING
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('serialization.format' = 'JSON')
LOCATION 's3://my-bucket/cloudtrail/';

This Athena query creates an external table to query CloudTrail logs stored in an S3 bucket.

Best Practices for Collecting Events Globally via CloudTrail

To get the most out of collecting events globally via CloudTrail, follow these best practices:

  • Use a centralized AWS account for CloudTrail**: Use a centralized AWS account to collect events from all regions and accounts.
  • Use S3 bucket encryption**: Encrypt your S3 bucket to protect sensitive data.
  • Use IAM roles for CloudTrail access**: Use IAM roles to control access to CloudTrail and ensure least privilege access.
  • Monitor and analyze events regularly**: Regularly monitor and analyze events to identify security threats and optimize resources.
  • Use CloudTrail Lake for advanced analytics**: Use CloudTrail Lake to perform advanced analytics and machine learning on your CloudTrail data.


Collecting events globally via CloudTrail provides unprecedented visibility into your AWS account and resources. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can collect events globally and gain valuable insights into your AWS usage. Remember to follow best practices for collecting events globally, such as using a centralized AWS account, encrypting your S3 bucket, and regularly monitoring and analyzing events.

Event Type Description
Management Events Actions taken by users, roles, and services, such as creating or deleting resources.
Data Events API calls from AWS services themselves, such as S3 bucket access or DynamoDB operations.
Insights Events Additional context and insights into your AWS usage, such as resource optimization suggestions.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to collecting events globally via CloudTrail and unlocking the full potential of AWS CloudTrail. Happy trails!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of collecting events globally via CloudTrail on AWS!

What is CloudTrail, and how does it help in collecting events globally?

CloudTrail is a service offered by AWS that provides a record of all API calls made within your AWS account. It helps in collecting events globally by tracking all API calls, including management operations, data operations, and other service events. This allows you to monitor and analyze your AWS resources, detect security threats, and troubleshoot issues.

How does CloudTrail collect events from multiple regions?

CloudTrail collects events from multiple regions by creating a trail in each region where you want to collect events. When you create a trail, CloudTrail starts delivering events to an Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. This allows you to collect events from all regions and store them in a single location for analysis and auditing.

Can I collect events from multiple accounts using CloudTrail?

Yes, you can collect events from multiple accounts using CloudTrail. This is achieved by creating an organization trail, which allows you to collect events from all accounts in your organization. This feature is useful for centralized logging, auditing, and security monitoring across multiple AWS accounts.

How long does CloudTrail store events, and can I customize the retention period?

CloudTrail stores events for 90 days by default, but you can customize the retention period to meet your specific needs. You can choose to store events for up to 255 days in the management event history, or store events indefinitely in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Are CloudTrail events encrypted, and can I use IAM to control access to events?

Yes, CloudTrail events are encrypted by default using AWS-managed encryption keys. Additionally, you can use IAM to control access to events by creating IAM roles and permissions that specify who can view, modify, or delete events. This ensures that your event data is secure and access is restricted to authorized personnel.